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Praxis Makes Perfect | Trial & Error: On Teaching with Beverly Fishman

10 Feb

My newest article for Art21 features an interview with my mentor in graduate school, Beverly Fishman, who shares her thoughts on being a teaching artist. Read the entire post here.

“Being an artist is a very rich and self-directed life. The rewards are great because you are living out your own vision, but you have to work very hard at it.” — Beverly Fishman

Image courtesy of the artist and Galerie Richard, New York, NY.

F for Fre$h! | Praxis Makes Perfect

12 Dec

In my post this month for Art21, Artist Beverly Fre$h and author Gigi Rosenberg offer pointers on funding for artists. Read the article here.


11 Nov

Yesterday my newest article for Art21 posted about the incredible performance artists Jennifer Catron and Paul Outlaw. You can read about how these two young artists make ends meet, rat tails and much more here.

My fellow alums, Jen and Paul will be featured at the grand re-opening of the Cranbrook Museum of Art today, November 11, 2011 as featured in The New York Times!

Introducing “Praxis Makes Perfect”

23 Sep

I will be writing for a new column about emerging artists beginning this fall for Art21. My first post for “Praxis Makes Perfect” will be posted on the 13th of October. In the meantime, you can read the introductory post for the new column here.

Thank you again to Santtu Mustonen for designing the logo (above).